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The Momentum is Growing.


It is no news that legislation aimed at creating a new city of Sharon Springs has passed the Georgia House of Representatives. Last week, the Board of Commissioners held an open town hall meeting and one thing was clear: the opposition is growing and our grassroots campaign is gaining more and more momentum every day.

Let’s be honest, the taxpayers in Forsyth County know this is not what we need and is only going to put our way of life at risk.It will add another unnecessary layer of bureaucracy, and consequently put homeowners and taxpayers at risk as Forsyth County attempts to bridge a financial gap and is forced to raise taxes. And that’s the truth.

“Forsyth County has faced a lot of problems such as having a volunteer fire department and no hospital that would deliver our babies. We have come through these challenges together and built a stronger county. We have prospered and we need to continue to prosper, but we cannot do that by adding another layer of government. We may have issues, but we don't have problems. We have an opportunity to work together to share solutions but a new city is not one of those solutions.” This is what Eric Duncan, a resident or Laurel Springs, stated at last weeks town hall and his sentiments were echoed by many others in attendance.

We don't need a new city. Join the hundreds opposing Sharon Springs and please consider lending your voice to help end this threat to our quality of life.

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